Wildlife Removal

The Pearland area is a beautiful place to live, but one of the downsides can be the pests and nuisance wildlife issues we sometimes have to deal with. While there are plenty of DIY videos, exterminators, and other options out there, ask yourself what will really work to keep your home or business pest and wildlife free? Calling the professionals at Texas Wildlife Removal. Our company is a licensed, insured, and certified wildlife and pest control company. We’ve been protecting homes and businesses against nuisance wildlife and pests for years. Our wildlife specialists have experience with trapping all wildlife and have safely and effectively removed countless threats in the Pearland area.

Removing the animal is only one part of our service. Because these pests can cause damage there are problems to fix after they are gone. All of our experts use the most cutting edge and effective traps, products, and methods to get the job done quickly, safely, and humanely. Not only will we trap and remove unwanted wildlife from your property, we will provide exclusion plans, assist in sanitization and cleanup. We will even make necessary repairs to areas damaged by the animals.

Animal Trapping

Whether you have bats in your attic or raccoons seeking shelter under your porch, Texas Wildlife Removal can deal with the most common or the most rare nuisance wildlife problems. Remember, these animals are looking for shelter and food and they find it in our houses and businesses. Unfortunately, they bring droppings and insects with them. Many of which are destructive and hazardous to the health of those living or working in those homes or businesses. Whether you’ve spotted a single raccoon or a pile of mouse droppings, we can safely and humanely deal with your rodent or wildlife issues. We use a variety of proven methods. This way, you have everything taken care of,from the removal of babies to clean up and sealing entry-points. By calling us and you will be able to rest easy, knowing the problem has been resolved efficiently and effectively.

Animal Exclusion

After trapping and removing unwanted animals or rodents, it is important to make sure you keep them out. Often, when handling animal removal on their own, homeowners forget this step or don’t know how to complete this process effectively. That is why you need the professionals at Texas Wildlife Removal. We will use a variety of methods to ensure that all entry points are addressed. For instance, netting, spikes, sealants and more. Our goal is to make sure that you do not have a repeat problem with any of these invasive animals. We want you to feel confident that your Pearland home is safe from unwanted pests and we will get the job done.

Animal Damage Repair
Not only are these creatures irritating, they can be quite destructive. Gnawing at wiring and drywall, tearing up duct work, contaminating insulation, and urinating and defecating wherever they go. As a result, the air in your home can be affected, creating dangerous breathing conditions for your family. For the safety and health of those in your home or commercial space, you need to be sure that cleanup and restoration is done right. With us it will be. We are construction experts. Rest assured, we use long-lasting, proven methods, products, and techniques to ensure a job well done. We can do everything from insulation replacement and odor control to making sure that the area is clean. We will fully restore and treat all necessary areas to prevent future animal intruders. We can provide you with the peace of mind you deserve because we can provide full service from trapping to restoration and everything in between.